Psilogramma maxmouldsi Eitschberger, 2001


< Wingspan: 98  mm >




< Wingspan: 115  mm >



View Psilogramma maxmouldsi in a larger map

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Please note that the placemarks on the Google Map are only meant as a guide to where I have collected and are not 100% accurate. This to avoid unauthorized access to private or protected land (national parks, state parks that require a collecting permit)






Some darker forms of Psilogramma maxmouldsi can easily be confused with some light colored forms of Psilogramma nebulosa. Psilogramma maxmouldsi always has a white shoulder patch, while Psilogramma nebulosa has a light grey to dark grey/brown shoulder patch (see Psilogramma nebulosa for comparison). Also the thorax of Psilogramma maxmouldsi is grey, while in Psilogramma nebulosa, thorax is different shades of brownish-grey.


Also Psilogramma papuensis can have a white shoulder patch, but the overall look is different. Psilogramma papuensis hindwing markings are also different.


Psilogramma maxmouldsi egg

All Psilogramma sp. eggs look the same. I most cases a red ring will appear shortly after the egg has been laid (within 24 hours). I have noticed that all the eggs that developed a red ring, have all been fertilised.




1st instar larva


2nd instar larva


3rd instar larva


4th instar larva


5th instar larva


Close up of 5th instar head/thorax.


Close up of 5th instar anal plates.


Click to compare close ups of P. maxmouldsi with P. casuarinae and P. nebulosa


Pupa - ventral, lateral and dorsal view




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©Bjørn M. Fjellstad 2006